Your Ancestral Family, LLC provides professional genealogy research services with a specialization in the United States, Canada, the British Isles and Western Europe. Located in Oakland County, Michigan, Your Ancestral Family, LLC is a full-service genealogical and historical research company which provides custom research packages, on-site record pick-ups as well as customized family tree wall charts and professionally done family history books.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
MARCH into the Monroe Museum for these Civil War Events:
*Thur. Mar. 17th, Learn more about the “fighting” Irish in America through “The Irish in the Civil War”, a special program given at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 17th at the main Museum downtown, 126 South Monroe Street. Museum Director and Civil War Historian John Gibney will present this look at these ethnic soldiers (both North and South) who fought in the Civil War 1861-1865. Everyone has heard of the renown “Irish Brigade” but just who were these soldiers and what did they do to claim such fame? What famous stories were repeated again and again about the bravery and prowess of the Irish soldier? Director Gibney will give an insightful and colorful program. Pluck some green and join us for what will be a very interesting program. (See flyer below)
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