Your Ancestral Family, LLC provides professional genealogy research services with a specialization in the United States, Canada, the British Isles and Western Europe. Located in Oakland County, Michigan, Your Ancestral Family, LLC is a full-service genealogical and historical research company which provides custom research packages, on-site record pick-ups as well as customized family tree wall charts and professionally done family history books.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
New website offers research services for family historians
Your Ancestral Family, LLC, provides professional genealogy research services and genealogy products. Based in Bloomfield Hills, the online company specializes in providing professional genealogy research packages as well as on-site record search services in Michigan and research for genealogy records in the U.S., Canada, the British Isles and Western Europe.Your Ancestral Family President David E. Irwin is a professional genealogist who has researched his own family tree for 32 years and has assisted many others with documenting and building their own family trees. “There is a need for an easy-to-use genealogy website on the Internet that not only provides professional research assistance but also unique genealogy products such as customized family tree wall charts, professionally done family history books and assistance for those seeking photographs of their ancestors’ hometowns, churches, headstones and schools,” Irwin said.Your Ancestral Family, LLC specializes in providing complete genealogy research packages for those new to genealogy and family history and who wish to have their family tree professionally traced and prepared in an ancestral research report, family history book or family tree wall chart. For more information, visit
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