Your Ancestral Family, LLC provides professional genealogy research services with a specialization in the United States, Canada, the British Isles and Western Europe. Located in Oakland County, Michigan, Your Ancestral Family, LLC is a full-service genealogical and historical research company which provides custom research packages, on-site record pick-ups as well as customized family tree wall charts and professionally done family history books.
Monday, August 31, 2009
September 10th Library of Michigan Rally !!!
We need everybody on September 10th. to assemble on the steps and lawn of the State Capitol to protest the governors attempt to close the Library of Michigan. The Library of Michigan is the 10th largest repository of genealogical records in the USA (if not the world) and the governor of Michigan (who "does not" have roots in Michigan)is attempting to shut it down.
Let's make our voices heard - make signs and wear red it's our last chance to prevent this catastrophe from taking place.
For a video of the last rally go to:
See everyone there !!!
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